If you're well-known, you're at the risk of becoming your own character. When you're alone, as a writer, you have to be unknown, putting it all on the paper. Antonio Munoz Molina characterpaperputt Change image and share on social
He who does not fill his world with phantoms remains alone. Antonio Porchia fillphantomremain Change image and share on social
To live alone is the fate of all great souls. Arthur Schopenhauer fategreatlive Change image and share on social
A man can be himself only so long as he is alone, and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom, for it is only when he is alone that he is really free. Arthur Schopenhauer freefreedomlong Change image and share on social
Actors' performances do not stand alone in any film, live action or whatever. Andy Serkis actionactorfilm Change image and share on social
Health consists with temperance alone. Alexander Pope consisthealthtemperance Change image and share on social
Buddhism notes that it is always a mistake to think your soul can go it alone. Annie Dillard buddhismmistakenote Change image and share on social
I was always such a people-watcher. I would sit on street corners alone and watch people and make up stories about them in my head. Then, all of a sudden, I was the one being watched. Alanis Morissette cornerheadmake Change image and share on social
Unlike the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth, the umma, or Muslim community, has no symbolic leader, let alone a formal one. Ayaan Hirsi Ali commonwealthcommunityformal Change image and share on social
Movies alone have the hideous capacity to do everything for you. So in directing movies, you have to figure how to leave things out - because when you leave things out, you evoke the imaginative participation of the audience. Alison Owen audiencecapacitydirect share on social