It's easy to fool the eye but it's hard to fool the heart. Al Pacino easyeyefool Change image and share on social
I don't ever give my opinion. Opinions I have about anything are in my personal life. Al Pacino givelifeopinion Change image and share on social
That's where humour lives for me. In the body. The Steve Martin kind of stuff or Jim Carrey, that's what I like. I've always felt that's what I would like to do. Al Pacino bodycarreyfelt Change image and share on social
Theater for me at one point was a lifestyle, too. Al Pacino lifestylepointtheater Change image and share on social
I've often said there's two kinds of actors. There's a more gregarious type and the shy type. Al Pacino actorgregarioushave Change image and share on social
Shakespeare's plays are more violent than 'Scarface.' Al Pacino playscarfaceshakespeare Change image and share on social
The problem with me is, I guess, the way I express myself, you have to be with me 50 years before you can get a sense of what I'm talking about. Al Pacino expressguessproblem Change image and share on social
You do get very tired sometimes, when you're sitting around for hours in movies. You get depleted. Al Pacino depletehourmovie Change image and share on social
I've never cared for guns. In fact, when I did 'Scent of a Woman' I had to learn how to assemble one. Al Pacino assemblecarefact Change image and share on social