I'm a realist. Where I come from, 'phenomenons' don't exist. I'm from a land where people make mistakes and try again, harder, faster; where negativity is not an option. Akshay Kumar existfasthard Change image and share on social
I enjoy the risk of bungee-jumping. I used to pay money to do it. Now, it's the opposite. I get paid to do action. Akshay Kumar actionbungeeenjoy Change image and share on social
I hate partying. If I'm forced to go to a party or a social gathering, I go in at 9:30 and leave at 10 P.M. Akshay Kumar forcegatherhate Change image and share on social
It feels wonderful to be go back to the 1940s and recreate the whole era through my clothes, voice and body language. I am tired of playing the larger-than-life hero. Akshay Kumar 1940sbackbody Change image and share on social
Always think twice before you decide to do anything for a film. It may seem like a career-changing idea, but think of your family and your future before doing anything risky. Train properly, because looking strong and being strong are two different things. Akshay Kumar careerchangedecide share on social
I have never believed in being part of any one group or camp. Akshay Kumar believecampgroup Change image and share on social
Why bother with Google when I have a wife who knows everything about everything! Akshay Kumar bothergooglewife Change image and share on social
Youth is a lifestyle; it's not a blessing from God. If we treat our bodies as if they are not the most precious things we possess, then obviously we will show wear and tear. We're like a good pair of jeans. If we take care of them, they'll remain classic forever, but if we batter and abuse them they'll look like tattered old rags. Akshay Kumar abusebatterbless share on social
I always check my harness before I do a stunt; I test-drive the cars I have to race or explode; I'm present at all pyrotechnical rehearsals; and I walk through everything step-by-step. No man should put their life in someone else's hands unless they have covered their own safety from all angles. Akshay Kumar anglecarcheck share on social
I once told someone I could act. They totally bought it. I've been getting away with it ever since. Akshay Kumar actbuyhave Change image and share on social