In fact I have a full page warning, right in the front of the book, that no one under the age of eighteen should read this book and no one should even turn the pages if they are sexually conservative or erotically deprived. Burt Ward agebookconservative share on social
I always designed clothes from a very young age because I didn't like the way they were. They were paralyzing; they were stilted. Mary Quant ageclothedesign Change image and share on social
I could go through a lot of my old emails from when I first started doing comics. Back then the lowest age of fans was like 15 or 16 up to people in their 20's and 30's. Jhonen Vasquez agebackcomic Change image and share on social
One of the things that may appeal to teenagers is that vampires never change - they're frozen in that age. Nancy A. Collins ageappealchange Change image and share on social
I was the youngest of six kids, and my brothers and sisters were kind of a lot older than me. And the one sister that was, like, in a close age range - she was five years older than me. She was my closest sister in age, and she was a loser. Chelsea Handler agebrotherclose share on social
To me, the drive for monumentality is as inbred as the desire for food and sex, regardless of how we denigrate it. Monuments differ in different periods. Each age has its own. Philip Johnson agedenigratedesire Change image and share on social
I also wanted Parker to operate in the Internet age without losing being Parker. He's always operated in the world without really being with the world, and cyberspace means that the rest of us are more and more living the same way. Donald E. Westlake agecyberspaceinternet share on social
I was broadcast-struck from an early age; I had saved up for a tape recorder and started making programmes. Nigel Rees agebroadcastearly Change image and share on social
I turned 65 last year, and each year I get more and more interested in human health. For most people it happens around age 50, but I've always been a slow learner. It's critical in terms of the cost of health care. Craig Venter agecarecost share on social
I'm not busy... a woman with three children under the age of 10 wouldn't think my schedule looked so busy. Garrison Keillor agebusychild Change image and share on social