The advantage of age is that you swap youth for wisdom. You're so full of insecurities when you're young. 'Who am I? What do I have to do for people to like me?' You get caught up in things. You get very emotional about things. Cherie Lunghi advantageagecatch share on social
A lot of movie stars are not great actors; they're just very good-looking. And when they start to age and they don't have the looks any more, then it's over. Michael Caine actoragegood Change image and share on social
Why should 20-year-olds only be considered sexy? I think we get better with age. Jenny McCarthy ageconsiderold Change image and share on social
I think a lot of the Disney cartoons are scary when you watch them at a young age. James Wan agecartoondisney Change image and share on social
India saw from the beginning, and, even in her ages of reason and her age of increasing ignorance, she never lost hold of the insight, that life cannot be rightly seen in the sole light, cannot be perfectly lived in the sole power of its externalities. Sri Aurobindo agebeginexternality share on social
I wasn't a jock in school, and by the 10th grade, when I was in boarding school I was carrying water buckets for the girls' hockey team. I was the kid with long hair and glasses and acne trying to learn how to play guitar and piano in the music center. I was not an athlete past the age of 13 or 14 when they start throwing the ball really fast. Michael Weatherly 10thacneathlete share on social
I've always been very passionate about acting. I appeared in panto in the Everyman from the age of five. Sarah Greene actageappear Change image and share on social
Every artistic form has its golden age, and unfortunately I think the golden age for whatever I do probably ended about 1990. Daryl Hall ageartisticend Change image and share on social
It's really important to me not to be a snob about age division or about genre or whatever. The story needs to be what the story needs to be. Patrick Ness agedivisiongenre Change image and share on social