When you see people your own age afflicted and experiencing life-threatening illnesses, I think it prompts you to apply to yourself the philosophy, 'I want to do the best I know how to do every day.' Thomas S. Monson afflictageapply Change image and share on social
People learn their politics at a young age and tend to stick with it. Grover Norquist agelearnpeople Change image and share on social
In India, the eldest has the most responsibility and the crown goes to him. The crown could go to a person with the most talent. But how could 'most talent' be determined? So Indian society settled on age. Devdutt Pattanaik agecrowndetermine share on social
There is a plan and a purpose, a value to every life, no matter what its location, age, gender or disability. Sharron Angle agedisabilitygender Change image and share on social
Thirty was so strange for me. I've really had to come to terms with the fact that I am now a walking and talking adult. C. S. Lewis adultfacthave Change image and share on social
The characters are that vague TV high school age, but they'll be in high school as long as we need them to be. Josh Schwartz agecharacterhigh Change image and share on social
When I ask my parents, it's incredibly obvious I was going to have a creative career at an early age. I've been forever telling stories since I was very young. Sophie Kennedy Clark agecareercreative Change image and share on social
My age has so little to do with my image of myself because at a certain point, the number just didn't fit how I felt. It has become irrelevant to me. I just don't feel like that number is representative of my spirit, of my energy or my anything! Christie Brinkley ageenergyfeel share on social
Nevertheless, whether in occurrences lasting days, hours or mere minutes at a time, I have experienced happiness often, and have had brief encounters with it in my later years, even in old age. Herman Hesse agedayencounter Change image and share on social
Writing was my first occupation, begun at age 23. Johanna Lindsey agebeginoccupation Change image and share on social