I don't know whether it is important to study science at a young age, though current thinking emphasises the need. Robert Winston agecurrentemphasise Change image and share on social
The fact is, after a certain age, high heels can feel as painful as someone sticking hot pins into the soles of your feet. Marie Helvin agefactfeel Change image and share on social
We are constantly driven to believe that women should look a set age or be a certain body size, which is fuelling an obsession with ever more dramatic and invasive steps. Marie Helvin agebodyconstantly Change image and share on social
From a very young age my mother persuaded me that I could write for fun, but I had to have a proper job - very good advice. Joanne Harris adviceagefun Change image and share on social
I can remember at the age of about six being fascinated by the planets and learning all about Mars and Venus and things. Richard Dawkins agefascinatelearn Change image and share on social
Authoritarian systems evolve. Authoritarianism in the Internet Age is not your old Cold War authoritarianism. Rebecca MacKinnon ageauthoritarianauthoritarianism Change image and share on social
The big reason that 'Doctor Who' is still with us is that every single viewer who ever turned in to watch this show, at any age, at any time in its history, took it into their heart - because 'Doctor Who' belongs to all of us. Everyone made 'Doctor Who.' Peter Capaldi agebelongbig share on social
Scottish men of a certain age have a black response to almost everything as a measure of how sophisticated they are. I have a very long fuse that eventually explodes after building up a nice head of steam, although it's only happened three times - usually at work when someone takes me for granted. Peter Capaldi ageblackbuild share on social
Our imaginations are strong as children. Sometimes they get shoved aside, these imaginations. They get dusty and mildewed with age. The imagination is a muscle that has to be put to use or it shrivels. Julianna Baggott agechilddusty share on social