I think I live in this mythical world where doing the parts I do is not going to hurt me, and telling people my age is not going to hurt me. And it actually does. It's a bit sick-making but, you know, I can't change who I am. Jennifer Jason Leigh agebitechange share on social
Vivendi will be one of the very few top communications groups of the Internet age. We will have customers all over the globe, providing services through all kinds of technology. Jean-Marie Messier agecommunicationcustomer Change image and share on social
'Certainly Men of a Certain Age' was different for me and allowed people to see me in a different light. Maybe that opened up minds a little bit. Scott Bakula ageallowbite Change image and share on social
I was very successful from a very early age, and I want to keep it. John Mayer ageearlysuccessful Change image and share on social
I think I'm realising that careers for tennis players are very short. On the women's side now, players are starting to peak later on, but the average age is about 31, 32 when you finish playing, so I want to make the most of it while I'm young, fit, and healthy. I don't want to waste any time. Heather Watson ageaveragecareer share on social
Good roles are hard to find no matter what age. Glenn Close agefindgood Change image and share on social
People are naming it the Third Wave, the Information Age, etc. but I would say those are basically technological descriptions, and this next shift is not about technology - although obviously it will be influenced and in some cases expressed by technologies. Paul Hawken agebasicallycase share on social
I realized at a young age that sequence in an album is almost as important as the songs that are on the album. Dr. Dre agealbumimportant Change image and share on social
Every age has its own poetry; in every age the circumstances of history choose a nation, a race, a class to take up the torch by creating situations that can be expressed or transcended only through poetry. Jean-Paul Sartre agechoosecircumstance share on social
At the age of thirty-seven, I was fat, and since the age of thirty-eight, I have never been fat again. That's the whole idea of effective weight loss - it's permanent because it's part of your lifestyle and the way you think about yourself, with pride and a sense of accomplishment. The goal you achieve is your own - you own it. Jean Nidetch accomplishmentachieveage share on social