From an early age, music was my only thing. You come from Detroit, you learn how to make the most of what you can do best. Danny Brown agedetroitearly Change image and share on social
I grew up in the suburbs among highly educated people, in a house crammed with books. It was a culture rich in ideas, stimulation, entertainment, and mental activity, all helpful to the nurture of an imaginative child who wanted from an early age to be a writer. Stephen Hunter activityagebook share on social
Until the age of thirteen, I tortured the waiting worlds of book illustration and professional football by shilly-shallying over which of them was going to get the benefit of my inestimable talents. Glen Duncan agebenefitbook Change image and share on social
We have started something called the Corporate Services Corps. Now, it was modeled after the Peace Corps from long ago, the 1960s. And the idea was in this modern day and age, how do you get IBM'ers around the world to be global citizens? You know, globally aware, contribute, understand how to work in that environment, but do it on scale. Ginni Rometty 1960sageago share on social
Old age realizes the dreams of youth: look at Dean Swift; in his youth he built an asylum for the insane, in his old age he was himself an inmate. Soren Kierkegaard ageasylumbuild Change image and share on social
From an early age, I knew I would become a scientist. It may have been my brother Sam's doing. He interested me in the laws of falling bodies when I was ten and helped my father equip a basement chemistry lab for me when I was fifteen. I became skilled in the synthesis of selenium halides. Sheldon Lee Glashow agebasementbody share on social
My mother is an incredibly beautiful woman who has laughed at every single thing my father's ever said. At a young age, my brother and I understood that if you can make girls laugh, you can punch well above your weight class. Seth Meyers agebeautifulbrother share on social
Most 'Monty Python' fans are, of course, baby boomers, who have long been a nostalgic lot and are growing more so as they totter toward old age. Terry Teachout agebabyboomer Change image and share on social
Well, I always wanted to write from the time I was very little, and my mother encouraged me. She wrote a journal from the time she was 15 up until about the age of 76. Francine Rivers ageencouragejournal Change image and share on social
I started playing music at a pretty young age. Duncan Sheik agemusicplay Change image and share on social