I'd always thought the Rats were good fun, but one of the very nice things about being of Saga age is that I can actually look back and think, When I was younger I was in a great band. It was always a collective thing. Bob Geldof agebackband share on social
The only thing to be said for air travel is speed. It makes possible travel on a scale unimaginable before our present age. Between the ages of 20 and four-score I visited every country in Europe, all save two in Latin America, ditto in Africa, and most of Asia, not counting eight trips to Australia and 60 to the United States - all by air. Paul Johnson africaageair share on social
My dad was my first coach and drove me extremely hard from a very young age. Candace Parker agecoachdad Change image and share on social
I spent more time at the library than anyone my age when I was a kid. Dave Sitek agekidlibrary Change image and share on social
I dated a guy for over a year who lied about his age the entire time. I found out after the fact and couldn't believe it! I even threw him a birthday party for the wrong age... I couldn't get over how hard he had tried to keep it a secret! Kirsten Prout agebirthdaydate share on social
Being the youngest, I was a bit of a daddy's girl and sought attention from an early age by singing. I don't know where I got my voice, but ours was always a musical house. Kiki Dee ageattentionbite Change image and share on social
You can't be crazy and wild when you're on work time. But, I like it, in that sense I think it makes you a better person for having matured at a younger age. Kay Panabaker agecrazymake Change image and share on social
My mother loves to remind me that about the age of four, I made a somewhat formal announcement that I was going to be a plumber when I grew up. Stella Young ageannouncementformal Change image and share on social
The price of indulging yourself in your youth in the things you cannot afford is poverty and dependence in your old age. Dorothy Dix affordagedependence Change image and share on social
You're taught from a very young age that you shouldn't get too big for your britches, so I tend to err way too much on the side of 'Nothing means anything.' Timothy Simons agebigbritches Change image and share on social