I've lived a fast-paced life, but I had the best childhood. I didn't miss out on anything by having my daughter at a young age. Keisha Castle-Hughes agechildhooddaughter Change image and share on social
Unlike painting, sculpture, or music, typefaces must be useful to someone. Fortunately for designers, the digital age has produced new problems to solve - developing typefaces that work on mobile phones, for one - and enabled better solutions to old problems. Virginia Postrel agedesignerdevelop share on social
Once in a while, the thumb that fits over the neck of the guitar kinda bothers me a little bit, but not that much yet. I figure in time I won't do much because of my age. B. B. King agebitebother Change image and share on social
I grew up in the 1960s and wanted to become part of the great space exploration effort, but when I graduated from college in 1974, the Apollo program was over, and the country had moved into this pessimistic mode. We had entered the 'age of limits.' Robert Zubrin 1960sageapollo share on social
I think there is a lot made out of age, and what age you feel. Clint Eastwood agefeellot Change image and share on social
I was very vocal about what I wanted to do at a very young age. I wanted to be inside of the television set. I didn't know being on TV was being an actor. Bresha Webb actorageinside Change image and share on social
People until I was 60 would always say they thought I looked younger, which I think, without flattering myself, I did, but I think I certainly have, as George Orwell says people do after a certain age, the face they deserve. Christopher Hitchens agedeserveface share on social
I got so much out of 'The To-Do List.' This is a joke that I say about myself sometimes, in terms of my film career: I feel like I'm always playing the kid in serious adult movies. So, for me, it was so wonderful to suddenly be working with other people my age who were doing this on film. Sarah Steele adultagecareer share on social
My listening changed when I heard music from Stax, Atlantic, Motown because by that age I thought anything that my parents listened to must be square. So I had to find my own rock n' roll, as it were, and I found it in black soul music. Robert Palmer ageatlanticblack share on social
I missed quite a lot of school because I was working from the age of 11. Natalia Vodianova agelotmiss Change image and share on social