I did the same thing as every Irish person who comes to New York. I arrived on a Wednesday, and by Saturday night, I was pulling pints at a pub in the Bronx. Adrian McKinty arrivebronxirish Change image and share on social
When a locked-room mystery doesn't work, the solution makes you groan, and the book gets hurled across the room. Adrian McKinty bookgroanhurl Change image and share on social
When we moved to Australia in 2008, I decided to try to live off the writing. Adrian McKinty australiadecidelive Change image and share on social
Every publisher or agent I've ever met told me the same thing - that Irish readers don't want to read about the bad old days of the Troubles; neither do the English and Americans - they only want to read about the Ireland of The Quiet Man, when red-haired widows are riding bicycles and everyone else is on a horse. Adrian McKinty agentamericanbad share on social
I had gone to New York with no plan at all. I did a lot of jobs - barman, teacher, security guard, postman and construction worker - and I was meeting many eccentric characters, and they were saying funny things, which I always wrote down. Adrian McKinty barmancharacterconstruction share on social
I think if you grow up in a culture where the army is out on the street sighting you with rifles, it has to have some kind of psychological impact. Adrian McKinty armyculturegrow Change image and share on social
The Ned Kelly is definitely the coolest of all the crime fiction awards, and if you think about it, it's the only one that's given for an entire continent. Adrian McKinty awardcontinentcool Change image and share on social
The winters in Denver are brutal; it snows from the end of October to April. Adrian McKinty aprilbrutaldenver Change image and share on social
I've never been a believer in the word-count thing. I write slowly and tinker with the words and the word order, and I throw a lot of stuff out. Adrian McKinty believercounthave Change image and share on social
On my Wikipedia page, it used to say I was born in Belfast, Ireland, then it said Belfast, Northern Ireland, and then it said Belfast, U.K. So there was a little war going on about where Belfast is located. Adrian McKinty bearbelfastireland share on social