Facebook allows outsiders to add functionality to the site but reserves the right to change that policy at any time, to charge a fee for applications, or to de-emphasize or eliminate apps that court controversy or that they simply don't like. Jonathan Zittrain addappapplication share on social
I used to play a lot of tennis and then, next thing you know, same thing with tennis. That banging on the knees, the jarring, twisting motion - I couldn't do it. All of a sudden, every time I played, my knee would swell up. Caitlyn Jenner bangjarknee share on social
Anti-inflammatories always seemed to work well for my joints, but the problem was you couldn't take them all the time. Caitlyn Jenner antiinflammatoriesjoint Change image and share on social
At that time, we were in charge. We didn't ask. We just did. We just did what was in our heart. Ben E. King chargehearttime Change image and share on social
Younger songwriters will ask me, 'What did you do?' And it's like, 'Well, I worked a day job, and I didn't stake anything. I didn't quit my day job. I didn't have any hopes at all. I just did the thing that I believed in, and I waited a long time.' John Darnielle believedayhope share on social
Both in thought and in feeling, even though time be real, to realise the unimportance of time is the gate of wisdom. Bertrand Russell feltgatereal Change image and share on social
Every time something happens, whether I've won the most or lost the most, there's always 'oldest' tied to it. It's not a surprise anymore. Daniel Nestor anymorehavelose Change image and share on social
I was kind of an outcast in school 'cause I always kept to myself and was writing poetry and then going on tour with my brother band all the time, so kids didn't know what to make of me. Christina Perri bandbrotherkid Change image and share on social
It felt very natural to me to write a Christmas song, but at the same time I had to really put all sorts of pressure aside and just let the creativity flow and see what came out. Christina Perri christmascreativityfelt Change image and share on social
There is the glamour side of it, which allows you to meet great variety of people with whom you simply can have a good time, but there's also the sad side of it that drags you into a superficial and artificial world. Karolina Kurkova artificialdragglamour share on social